type partition = <T>(
predicate: (value: T, index: number) => boolean
) => (stream: Observable<T>) => [Observable<T>, Observable<T>]
stream: -1-2-3-4-5-6|
filter(even): ---2---4---6|
Splits an Observable into two: one of values, that satisfy the provided predicate, and another of values, that don't.
import { of } from 'light-observable/observable'
import { filter } from 'light-observable/operators'
const stream = of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).pipe(
filter(x => x % 2 === 0)
-> 2
-> 4
-> 6
Also available as an Observable creator:
import { filter, of } from 'light-observable/observable'
const stream = filter(x => x % 2 === 0, of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))
-> 2
-> 4
-> 6