type scan = <T, R>(
fn: (result: R, value: T, index: number) => void,
initial: R
) => (stream: Observable<T>) => Observable<R>
stream: -1-2-3->
scan(add, 0, stream): -1-3-6->
Create a new stream containing incrementally accumulated results, starting with the provided initial value.
import { interval } from 'light-observable/observable'
import { scan, take } from 'light-observable/operators'
const stream = interval(50).pipe(
scan((prev, value) => prev + value, 0)
-> 0
-> 1
-> 3
-> 6
-> 10
Also available as an Observable creator:
import { scan, interval } from 'light-observable/observable'
import { take } from 'light-observable/operators'
const stream = interval(50).pipe(
scan((prev, value) => prev + value, 0, stream).subscribe(console.log)
-> 0
-> 1
-> 3
-> 6
-> 10